Integrator of
systems automation
and security
Zevtek LLC is engaged in complex deliveries of security systems equipment,
as well as automation for production and smart homes
Our advantages
Customers trust us for the most complex issues because they know we help them close a host of automation and security related issues.
Years of practice
Over 10 years experience in the security and electronic devices industry
At the beginning of our work, we enter into a non-disclosure agreement. Your private information will not leave our office.
Integrated approach
Individual work with each client allows us to solve even the most complex problems.
Excellent service
After implementation, we will continue to provide full support
We will match you with a team of specialists who will help you solve the problem as efficiently as possible
Transparent and favorable terms of interaction at all stages
Contact us
Phone: +7 965 563 7739 (Telegram)
WeChat: wxid_uncpyal5m0m522

Zevtek LLC
ул. КИМ, 77, Пермь,
Russia, city. Perm, Kim str., v. 77, 209

Phone: +7 (965) 563 7739
WeChat: wxid_uncpyal5m0m522
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